🔗Official Links
All official links are available here for your reference to prevent you from falling into phishing websites impersonating ALEX.
Platform Links
Landing Page: https://www.alexlab.co/
App Landing Page: https://app.alexlab.co/
Spot Swap: https://app.alexlab.co/swap
Add/Remove Liquidity: https://app.alexlab.co/pool
Orderbook: https://app.alexlab.co/orderbook/
Token List: https://app.alexlab.co/token-list
Platform Explorer: https://app.alexlab.co/explorer
Social Media
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ALEXLabBTC
Discord: https://discord.gg/alexlab
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Alexgobtc
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/alexgobtc/
GitHub: https://github.com/alexgo-io
Medium: https://medium.com/@alexgoBtc
Verified Team Twitter Profiles
Chiente Hsu: https://twitter.com/RuleBasedInvest
Rachel: https://twitter.com/rachel_alexgo
Verified Tag on Discord for Team Authenticity
If you are looking for help with something beyond our Gitbook resources or trying to report issues on the platform, you may reach out to our team with the ALEX Team role.
Due to the high influx of Discord scammers impersonating team members to deceit other community members, be sure to stay safe and always double-check the user's roles.
Last updated
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